Chakra Yoga
Yoga sequences bring the energy centers (chakras) back into balance, allowing the blocked life force to flow.
Long before modern technology and science, ancient cultures knew that all living beings carry with them a vital force that moves right inside the chakras, and that this energy can be stimulated through the practice of yoga and meditation.
The chakra tradition is handed down from generation to generation, through the written texts and the teachings of the masters to their disciples, until it becomes fundamental in the philosophy and practice of yoga and reaches up to the present day.
These energy centers have the task of receiving energy and redistributing it through the nadis, channels connected to the spine which have the task of transporting energy to the dense and subtle body.
Although the chakras are part of the subtle body made up of energy, they are associated with specific body systems and can have an impact on the physical plane.
Their positions correspond to the large nerve plexuses and the endocrine glands. The communication between the brain and the endocrine system intensifies precisely in correspondence with the chakras.
Thus, on a physical level, the chakras are responsible for the functioning of our organs; on a subtle level, however, they correspond to the fundamental qualities for the harmonious development of the being.
They represent the different evolutionary stages of the human being and their order is not accidental: they start from the most material to the most subtle to indicate a path that begins in matter to arrive at a higher knowledge and awareness.